1. Introduction of our Supporter`s Association:
Under the initiative of Mr. Sato, President and Mr. Shibata, Office of the Supporter`s Association graduated from Tokyo High School in 1977, our Association consists of 147 members who cheer for the Tokyo High School Rugby Football Club such as the parents of its alumnus, the neighbors of Tokyo High School and etc.
We are always welcome to accept the apply from anyone who wishes to cheer for Tokyo High School RFC.
2. The purposes and activities of our Supporter`s Association:
For further evolution of Tokyo High School Rugby Football Club, our Association is contributing to its RFC by assisting their training camps, cheering for their official games and High School National Rugby Football Championship with the benefit from the sales of our products (i.e. Tote Bag, Sun Visor and Towel with Tokyo High School RFC logo).
『トートバック 1,900円』 『サンバイザー 1,500円』
Tote bag 1,900JPY Sun Visor 1,500JPY
『応援用タオル 1,300円』
Towel 1,300JPY
東京高校を卒業した大学2年生の東京高校ラグビー部OB父兄が幹事役となり、 毎年、
3. The coalition among Tokyo High School Rugby Football Club, the parents of its alumnus and our Supporter`s Association:
The parents of its alumnus who are sophomore in university take lead role to hold the year-end party beyond the grade of the High School every year inviting Mr. Mori, Manager of Tokyo High School RFC and its coaches.
4. Introduction of the activities of our Supporter`s Association:
* Annual General Meeting and Fiscal Reporting
*The support for Tokyo Region Spring/Autumn Season High School Rugby
Football Official Game
*The support for the training camp in Sugadaira, Nagano prefecture
*The support for Kanto Region High School Rugby Football Championship
*The support for High School Rugby Football National Championship
The snapshots below show you one of the assisting activities for Tokyo Region Spring Season Official Game in 2016
準決勝前日【リンゴとオレンジ】 決勝前日【シュークリーム】
The previous day of Semifinal Game (apples and oranges) The previous day of Final Game (cream puffs)
On July 16th, the supporter`s association donated two units of misters which help prevent the players from the heatstroke at the summer training camps scheduled in August.
On August 16th, our association donated and delivered the cool beverages during Sugadaira training camp.
ラグビー部後援会長 佐藤達也
名誉会長 進藤 健
事務局長 柴田夏男
5. Events and schedule:
With the cooperation from the parents of the current members of Tokyo High School RFC, our products (Sun Visor, Towel and Tote B.Bag) are sold for everyone at the stadium to be hold the official games.
Our Supporter`s Association really appreciates your thoughtful assistance within your affordable extent. For more details, please send your messages to our e-mail contact.
Thank you.
Mr. Tatsuya Sato, President
Mr. Ken Shindo, Honorary Chairman
Mr. Natsuo Shibata, Office of the Association
平成27年 秩父宮ラグビー場での販売
The snapshot at Chichibu no Miya Stadium in 2015
平成28年7月10日 東京高校ラグビー祭 『後援会販売所』
Tokyo High School Rugby Football Festival held on July 10, 2016